Monitor Your Eye Sight with ForeseeHome®
For Age Related Macular Degeneration patients, managing any change in the eye is a critical step to preventing loss of sight. Forsee Home Monitoring is the latest technology enabling patients to monitor eye sight from home in between office visits.
Wagner Kapoor Institute is pleased to provide this service for their patients diagnosed with AMD, both Wet or Dry. ForeseeHome is the first FDA-cleared home monitoring device that is clinically proven to detect even the smallest changes in your vision. When used daily, ForeseeHome detects these changes before you notice them yourself, allowing Drs. Wagner and Kapoor to monitor your vision for any changes between regularly scheduled exams.
Why is it important to detect AMD early using the home monitoring technology?
Patients with dry AMD are at greater risk for developing the “wet” form of AMD, in which abnormal blood vessels develop beneath the macula. These abnormal vessels can cause devastating loss of central vision, sometimes within just a few weeks. Fortunately, there are a number of effective treatments for wet AMD, which work best if given early in the course of the disease.